Challenge 3 & 4

Every week I will post 2 challenges, a not-so-hard-one and a more challenging theme. Feel free to do one or both. Post poetry on your page and tag Poetica Challenges and leave you Url in the comments below.



Challenge #1 Soul- Connections

Have you ever felt you’ve known someone

since before the birth of time

and that your reincarnated souls

follow the same life-line.

Consider the above poetic statement and your let poetry flow.


Challenge #2 Personal Evolution

Base your poem, prose or story on the concept of a ‘personal evolution’ . Use one or more of the following prompts.




The spiral circles

Patchouli and sage



by the light of all that’s pure

The spiral circles

Patchouli and sage

Image Challenge # 1

Image Challenge # 1

Poetica Poetry : Challenge #1

Greetings and welcome to Poetica Poetry Challenges… A few friends suggested I start a challenge group here, so here I am… I hope you enjoy the inspirational challenges I offer you.

Every week I will post 2 challenges, a not-so-hard-one and a more challenging theme. Feel free to do one or both. Post poetry on your page and tag Poetica Challenges and leave you Url in the comments below.


Most of all, have fun!


Challenge #1

 Inspiration Quote

Angels have no philosophy but love. Terri Guillemets

Where does this quote take you?


Challenge #2 

Wake Up Dreaming

If you could fall asleep and wake in your dream world… what would it look like? What would be happening? What would the people be like?

What about technology? Old? New? A mixture? None?

Where would you go… who would you visit?


Here is a chance to be totally  off-the-wall with your writing…. anything goes!

A few inspirational prompts… to use as you wish….

utopia – (Ideally perfect state; especially in its social and political and moral aspects)


dystopian – (State in which the conditions of life are extremely bad as from deprivation, oppression or terror)


multiverse –( cosmology) an ensemble of universes, each (apart from ours) causally disconnected from or unobservable by us)


empyrean – (Of or relating to the sky or heavens – The apparent surface of the imaginary sphere on which celestial bodies appear to be projected)


Chimerical – Produced by a wildly fanciful imagination

annwn- (Welsh mythology) the other world; land of fairies

empyrean- Of or relating to the sky or heavens- Inspiring awe




